The Art of Collaboration: Bringing The Secrets We Keep to Life

Unveiling The Secrets We Keep: A Creative Journey

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In this episode, we are thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with the creative minds behind the highly anticipated production, The Secrets We Keep. Get ready to be swept away as we uncover the captivating journey behind the creation of this powerful piece. Join in as wIe sit down with three remarkable individuals who are bringing this electrifying production to life in the heart of New York City.

Meet Danielle Wirsansky, the History PhD Candidate turned playwright and director, whose passion for historical narratives fuels her creative vision. Alongside her is Shannon Wolf, the gifted musician making her theatrical debut, infusing the production with her extraordinary musical talent. And completing this dynamic trio is Sarah Reid Vinyard, the seasoned actor whose versatility and expertise breathe life into every role she undertakes.

Together, they are the driving force behind The Secrets We Keep, a groundbreaking fusion of history, music, and riveting storytelling. Tune in as we unravel the secrets behind this unforgettable theatrical experience, exclusively on the Creative Solutions Podcast.


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Danielle Wirsansky


Shannon Wolf


Sarah Reid Vinyard



This episode is brought to you by I love and use! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a free trial and 20% off with this exclusive coupon code: innovativemindset. (affiliate link)

It’s also brought to you by my podcast host, Podbean! I love how simple Podbean is to use. If you’ve been thinking of starting your own podcast, Podbean is the way to go!**


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