
Giving Bad News – how to do it

Giving “Bad News:” How to do it effectively and compassionately

Episode 142

In this episode, I explore giving challenging news. I discuss my 35-year consulting practice and the strategies I’ve developed and still follow when I have to have a tough talk with my clients. It’s not easy to do because it’s tempting to fall into the “there’s nothing we can do about it” trap. However, just because the outlook appears daunting doesn’t mean we can’t meet the challenge and rise above. So, we can give the information in such a way that it appears as that challenge to be met rather than a foregone conclusion. Learn my tactics for communicating obstacles and their solutions whether you are speaking one-on-one or to a group of 500. I’d love to hear from you. How do you do it? When you have tough news to impart, what do you do? We can all learn from one another and I’d love to hear your wisdom.


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