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Learn (to) Find Joy (in) Solitude

Eight of Pentacles (reversed), Ten of Cups, The Hermit Sometimes, we think we know it all and other times we realize just how much else we have to learn. This week’s cards give a little of both. Here we go… The Eight of Pentacles is the card of the student. This doesn’t necessarily mean going…

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Me Now, Me First, Me Only: The attitude basically sucks.

I’m over it. I’m just over it. I keep thinking that I need to just sit down, shut up, and let everyone else duke it out, but I’m just pissed as hell. What is wrong with our society that people are hurt by others and it’s systematically thought of as okay? What is wrong when…

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Self-Care, Self-Love, & Patience

This week’s cards rock, on toast, with sugar-free, all natural jam. The first card: Two of Cups. This card is all about connection, sharing, a soul-to-soul union. If the past comes calling (and by “the past,” I mean an old lover/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend/snookly, and that person gave you warm fuzzies and you parted on good terms with…

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Words to live by: "Say You're Sorry If You Hurt Somebody"

Today, I read a fascinating blot post on the Current Conscience about sensitivity and gaslighting (this terms comes from the Hitchcock movie where a husband tries to drive his wife crazy by setting the gaslights in their home to flicker while he denies that anything is happening). In the post, the author talks about the…

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Begin at the beginning, or the middle, or the end, but begin.

Today’s cards: Ace of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles. Well, then today is about beginnings. It’s the first day of the rest of your life. If not now, when? Be here, now. Let’s see, are there any others? Yeah, likely, but for the moment, these will do. The Aces really speak about turning…

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Understanding without judgment

Today’s cards: The Hierophant, the Four of Rods, The Lovers. Wow, if I weren’t married, I’d be thinking someone is about to propose to me. 🙂 Seriously, the Lovers is about partnership (and of course, sex and sexuality, but really more about partnership). Meet your partners halfway today. Celebrate with them. This doesn’t have to…