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It's never as bad as it seems inside your head

Today’s cards are: Nine of Swords, Two of Rods, and the Sun! Yep, I put an exclamation point at the end of the Sun(!) because it’s just that kind of card and something needs to be done about that Nine of Swords.  That Nine of Swords squats inside your head and heart like a miasma….

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Ah, the mystery! (or what jumped out of your anxiety closet this morning?)

Today’s cards: King of Cups, King of Swords, Four of Cups. Ah, the mystery! Today’s big question is, what aren’t you seeing that’s right in front of your face? To me, the Four of Cups is about not seeing/sensing the obvious. It’s right there plain as day but for some reason, it remains elusive. So,…

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Turn that frown upside down? Now there's an idea.

Today’s cards: Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, Six of Swords. The reality of the situation is that you might be sad. It’s not necessarily an “everything is tragic,” gigantic sad, but it is that “things don’t feel right, bright, and good today,” type of sad. It’s a kind of low-grade sad that saps you…

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Personal Demons? What personal demons?

Ten of Pentacles, Page of Cups, the Hermit. Seriously? These cards? Together?? Normally, when I draw cards, I see some sort of story. This morning? Heh, it will take some doing. The best thing I can tell you is that your intuition is trying to tell you something. Stop ignoring it. Whatever is going on…

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Not going to take it anymore? Fine, then own that.

There’s nothing like getting work cards on a Monday. Today’s cards are: The Magician, the Nine of Cups, and the Eight of Swords. The Magician is a “go get ’em” card. He tells us to focus, find purpose, and plunge into the fray for we will win, if we just jump in and act purposefully….

Some of the same cards keep cropping up. Today, it’s the Eight of Cups. I just chose it two days ago and now here it is again. I know what it’s trying to tell me, but sometimes, I have trouble keeping my ears (and my mind) open. Simply, the card is trying to tell me…

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Do unto yourself as you would like to do unto others?

Today’s cards are an interesting extension of yesterday’s. We have the Five of Pentacles again, the Seven of Pentacles, and the Charriot. So, today, we don’t talk about being nice to others. Instead, we talk about being nice to ourselves. Particularly and especially if you have any health issues, take care of yourself today. Turn…