Should You Always Be Closing?

In today’s “Lights, Camera, Wisdom!” I’m thinking about a sort of a modification of the quote that Alec Baldwin’s character, Blake, says in Glengarry Glen Ross, the famous one. Basically, he says you should always be closing. No matter what is going on, go for and get the sale. Regardless of anything else, you should constantly be trying to seal the deal. In his mind, and in the world of the film, that’s the way things are done. Further, according to Blake, if you don’t do things that way, you’ll never amount to anything and you’ll lose what little you have.
I look at it differently. Instead of “always be closing,” I look at it like “always be learning.” Assess. Learn about the needs, wishes, wants, and desires of the people you interact with. Spend consistent time figuring out exactly what it is that your customers, your clients, and all the people in your life need. Whoever they are to you, figure out what they need and then give it to them in the way they’ll be able to receive it.
So, let me ask you. What’s your take on it? Is it better to always be closing, or is it better to always be learning? Which behavior do you think will get you better connections with the people you’re trying to reach?
Comment below and let me know.