Be receptive to inspiration

Today’s power words from my Show Up! Journal free-write. It’s physics. The more force we exert in any one direction the more vulnerable we become from other directions.

So, it makes sense to not be rigid or too regimented in any aspect of our lives. Whether it is the way we think, the way we move, or the way we communicate, if we are too forceful in any one direction, we overly committed and are therefore potentially blind to other avenues.

I am a trained martial artist. I am a black belt in aikido. Granted, I am only a shodan, a first degree black belt, but my teachers, my senseis drummed into us from day one the importance of remaining malleable and flexible and not overly committed to any one course of action. The more committed we are, the more we lose other possibilities because we can no longer see them.

On the other hand, if we remain flexible, receptive, and open-minded, then we can remain open to all the possibilities. So, when inspiration strikes, when the great new idea emerges, we are available and present to see it and to run with it.

Do you want your own Show Up! Journal template? Grab it at right. The entire journal will be available by the holiday season, but for now, enjoy the template.

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