Exhausted? Try this simple tweak to raise your energy levels and clear your head

Are you tired too? Here’s a simple fix. Figure out your morning routine and write it down. Then, check things off as you do them. I created this PDF for you to do just that. Download it, print and laminate it, and use it to conserve your energy, think more clearly, and create more readily….

Recovering a sense of Possibility – The Artist’s Way Week 5

Week 5 of the Artist’s Way Creative Recovery Course This episode is brought to you by Brain.fm. I love and use brain.fm! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a free trial and 20% off with this exclusive coupon code: innovativemindset…

Hip Hop Artist Oddisee on Music, Producing, and What Makes His Singular Sound

Hip Hop Artist, Producer, and Emcee, Oddisee Listen in as Oddisee Explores Music, Travel, and How to Keep and Grow Audiences While Staying Authentic To Your Music and Yourself Amir Mohamed el Khalifa is better known by his stage name Oddisee. Oddisee is an American rapper, Emcee, artist, and record producer. He was born in…

What you need to know to enter the performing artist gig economy – Agents and the gig economy-Episode 1

Thinking of entering the gig economy as a performing artist? Listen to this episode. Here’s episode 1 of Agents and the gig economy – what you need to know. Connect with me. FB author page: https://www.facebook.com/IzoldaSTIG: https://www.instagram.com/izoldat/Twitter: https://twitter.com/IzoldatLI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izoldat/Website: https://izoldatauthor.com/ Listen on These Channels Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts | Podbean | MyTuner | iHeart Radio | TuneIn | Deezer | Overcast | PodChaser | Listen Notes | Player FM I’m thrilled that you’re tuning in to the Innovative Mindset….

The Artist’s Way Project – Recovering Your Sense of Integrity

Alan, Izolda, Megan, and Sergio recover a sense of integrity This week we discuss integrity, self-awareness, more childhood favorite lists, and much more! Join Alan Fessenden, Megan Vasiles, Sergio Giovanni, and yours truly as we work our way through Julia Cameron’s seminal book. This is week 4 of the 12-week class/process. We discuss our challenges…

Bestselling author, Karen M Bryson on fascinating stories and how curiosity shapes our world

Best-selling Author, optioned screenwriter, and Curious Professor Karen M. Bryson, Ph.D. on how stories shape our lives and our world. KAREN M. BRYSON is an award-winning/optioned screenwriter and USA TODAY bestselling author of over 50 books. She hosts two podcasts, THE CURIOUS PROFESSOR and THE DEAD WRITERS SOCIETY. This episode is brought to you by…

So, you want to enter the gig economy as an entertainer

Thinking of entering the gig economy as a performing artist? Listen to this introductory episode of the series. Here’s the intro of Agents and the gig economy – what you need to know before you pursue the gig life. Connect with me. FB author page: https://www.facebook.com/IzoldaSTIG: https://www.instagram.com/izoldat/Twitter: https://twitter.com/IzoldatLI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izoldat/Website: https://izoldatauthor.com/ Listen on These Channels Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts | Podbean | MyTuner | iHeart Radio | TuneIn | Deezer | Overcast | PodChaser | Listen Notes | Player FM…