Musician and Admin Pro Valerie Higgs on Balancing Being a Creative with a Day Job

Valerie Higgs on how to balance your creative side and your business side to grow and succeed This episode is brought to you by I love and use every day! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a…

Petra Mayer 2

Petra Mayer, NPR Books Editor, and my good friend. Encore Episode. Petra died suddenly and tragically on November 13th. In tribute to her, this is an encore of the interview she did with me back when the show was called the Creative Mindset Podcast. If you want to know this wonderful, creative, talented, generous, and…

Dealing With The Fear – Speak From Within Audiobook, Chapter 2 – Fear

Learn how to deal with your fear of speaking to people to convince, inspire, and motivate. This episode is brought to you by I love and use every day! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a free…

A Preview of an Exclusive Creative Exploration You Can Participate in for 2022

How Creative Cohorts Help You Create and Innovate In January, three colleagues and I will embark upon a creative voyage. You can join us and awaken your unique creative genius. In today’s episode, I preview what we’ll do and how we’ll do it. Hint: It has a little something to do with this book that’s…

Communicative Leadership Executive Suzanne Bates on What Leaders Need to Innovate and Succeed

Communicative Leadership Executive Suzanne Bates on What Leaders Need to Innovate and Succeed This episode is brought to you by I love and use every day! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a free trial.* URL:…

What should guide your career, gig, and freelance decisions?

How Compassion Will Improve Your Business if You’re a Freelancer, Consultant, or Future Employee This episode is brought to you by I love and use every day! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a free trial.* URL:…