Friend zone marketing
Friend zone marketing – this marketing trend is kind of icky Friend zone marketing. I’m going to come out and say it. I am struck by the recent trend of many online marketers of calling me, “friend.“ “Friend, I have to tell you this about why your social media marketing needs my help,” or something…
Ultimate Goal
“What is your ultimate goal?” Lately, I’ve been asking my clients the ultimate goal question. I ask it because they have issues with people, friends, loved ones, jobs, etc. And they don’t know how to proceed. To help them formulate a plan of action, we have to figure out what they want. They need to…
Make them feel valued
Valued Employees Feel and Do Better One of the best things you can do for people you work with is to tell them when they’ve done great. Research shows that feeling valued motivates people to do a better job. And when they also feel like they’re an important part of the team, everyone wins. The…
Customer Service Through Your Wisdom
If you work with clients or customers, it’s a good idea to remind yourself about this once in a while. You are not only what you do. You don’t get worth or value just by bringing value to others (even though so many of us were taught that we’re only as good as how well…
Answer Their Questions
How to Add Value Like You’re Readhing Your Clients’ Minds Are you having trouble reaching out and adding value to your clients on social media? Imagine if you could answer your clients’ exact questions. What would it look like if you were their go-to person on what you do? Here’s how to do it. Read…
Don’t Let Your Speaking Voice Silence You!
Does how your voice sounds mess with your head? Do you hear yourself and cringe? Even though many people tell us we shouldn’t care about that, lots of us still do. And that insecurity might be keeping you from putting out content and connecting with your audience. And if you have to speak to people…
Get Four Amazing Benefits When You Do This One Thing
Let’s face it. We work – all the time. We run from one thing to the next. I don’t know how we keep our heads straight at the best of times. And sometimes even the simplest stuff falls through the cracks. I felt that way a lot. And then I discovered this simple technique that…
How do you want to be remembered?
How do you want to be remembered? How do you want the colleagues and staff you interact with to remember you afterward? Do you want them to know you as a strong person? A kind person? A go-getter? As someone who’s amenable? Do you want them to think of you as someone who’s a good…
How to Provide for Your Plant-based Attendees at Meetings and Events
How to Provide for Your Plant-based Attendees at Meetings and Events. People are embracing plant-based diets. And that’s changing how events and meetings are run. If you know you’ll have plant-based attendees, how will you provide for your plant-based attendees to make your meeting successful and give all your attendees a delicious and healthy meal? And which are…