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Words, Camera, Action!

Words, Camera, Action! How beloved movie and TV quotes can spark our creativity, inspire us, and improve our lives. Welcome to a brand new feature on this site. If you know me at all, you know how much I adore movies. Particularly, I love the words characters say. Good screenplay writing will tug at your heart….

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How To Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself

How To Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself That’s a tough one, isn’t it? How do we do keep our promises to ourselves consistently? What support do we need to make that happen? Whenever I speak with my coaching clients, I say, “Always tell yourself the truth.” So, if you make yourself a promise, make…


My Birthday and My Gift To You! Today is my birthday. And even though I’m not German, I follow a German tradition of giving other people presents instead of receiving them.  So, today I want to offer you a template for the little item that helps me be productive. I developed this so that I could…

Active Communication

Active Speech and Writing Get You What You Want Here is today’s bonus mini podcast episode. In it, I detail the difference between active and passive speech and writing. You give a lot more information when you use active speech. And your listeners learn a lot more without having to do extra research. If you use…

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Get the Calendar Template to Increase Your Productivity and Ingenuity

Get this Calendar Template to Increase Your Efficiency, Productivity, and Ingenuity! Do you want to become more efficient and productive? Write down your to-do list, by project and day on this calendar template. Only, don’t think of it as “I have to do X.” Change your internal story. You’re lucky enough to get to strive and…

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How to Handle Tears During a Public Speech

How to Handle Tears During a Public Speech The other night, at my book release party, someone asked about how to deal with being emotional during a public speaking event. “What is the place of natural tears when you’re public speaking,” she asked. She shocked me into silence. This strong, brave woman, who is a…