The Road to Where
Build the neural pathways to where you want to go. Choose a location card.
Build the neural pathways to where you want to go. Choose a location card.
Which way do you want to look at it? Do you want to see the big picture or do you want to see a small snapshot? You have to know that before you begin to solve the problem. More importantly, did you have to communicate that to your team. That way you will all be…
In truth, we can’t know how one small act today might impact every day for the rest of our lives. But it does, somehow. We won’t know until we have the wisdom of hindsight, but a yes or no, a right or left, a stay or go – they all shape and form the rest…
“There’s an app for that,” are some of the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard or said. I’m thrilled to see so many talented people create apps that do just about anything I could want. It allows us to be independent and creative in how we run our businesses. That counts for a lot for…
Creativity Blocks I believe one of the worst things that we can do for our creative process is to label our downtime with a negative connotation. Sometimes, we need time to think, to ruminate, to create the worlds, universes, paintings, songs, books, or speeches. And if that means that we spend some time not creating,…
Which way do you want to look at it? Do you want to see the big picture or do you want to see a small snapshot? You have to know that before you begin to solve the problem. More importantly, did you have to communicate that to your team. That way you will all be…
If you haven’t heard, Sir Anthony Hopkins’ (the actor) composition, “and the waltz goes on,“ go here and take a listen. Why? Because it shows us something special. This man, this actor who has reached every height of his career, still wants something else. I believe he started out as a Music person and then…
Here I was at last full moon taking pictures with my trusty Nikon. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get situated in a way that my little tripod could get a picture of the moon without the cable in front of it. How frustrating, right? But then I got this picture. And I saw it. A perfect representation…
Under promise and over deliver even if it is to yourself. Set your goals and then incinerate them. So, what are you invested in? Figure it out and then go to work! Tag someone who needs to see this. #goals #goalsetting #writing #amwriting #personaldevelopment #success #dedicationhasnolimitation #whatareyouinvestedin #wordcount
I talked before about finding your voice in the written word and will explore that further in the future. Today, I want to speak about audio. Audio is ubiquitous with more and more people starting podcasts, posting live videos, and presenting live in meetings and during the course of their lives. As we develop our…