Yoga: with cat
Yep. It’s super easy to do yoga with the cat. No problem. Sigh. Oh and what song just came on the iPod? The theme from Cat People. ?
Yep. It’s super easy to do yoga with the cat. No problem. Sigh. Oh and what song just came on the iPod? The theme from Cat People. ?
This is just the truth of it. The 1-2 punch to success. Yes, I realize I’m generalizing. Yes, I realize you need to know your goals and you need to have a plan. None of that happens without feeling like you deserve it and being willing and able to do the work to get it. …
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: Yep. We’ve all been there. We all know what it’s like to tilt of the windmills of something we really believe in. And if things aren’t working, if we keep banging our heads against the wall, we have to be assessed. But, sometimes, it’s worth it to keep going….
Wow. I just traveled back to 1988. An old boss, from that long ago, showed up in my, “people you may know,” suggestions on Twitter. I haven’t spoken to him in decades. He’s a terrific guy. He always had great ideas. The company at which I worked for him, conducted public records research on philanthropic…
The Entrepreneur’s dilemma. Do you do what you love? Or do you choose a business that will make you money? I think it works best when you sit in the cross-section of what you love and what other people want. Otherwise, you’re either tilting at windmills or spinning your wheels. So find that balance…
Wow, today’s Show Up! Journal power words are assertive. They showed up while I was doing my morning free write. And they make me wonder. What do we do if we can’t make peace in a confrontation? Do we come out swinging? Or, is it better just step away at all times? In certain situations,…
Like many of us, I have been putting in a lot of hours on my work life and my business. And I needed a vacation and brain break. So, what did I do? I combined two of my passions (astronomy and photography) and planned my vacation around the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. I…
As we engage in telling our stories, we can use creative design features to communicate more authentically and effectively. The key is to find the form and function that best tells our tale. Color plays a major role in that process. Design ideas for palette, look, and feel can come from anywhere. This butterfly inspired…
Today’s Show Up! journal power words. In this case, in talking about our bodies. The organism knows what it needs but we often don’t take the time to slow down, hush up, and pay attention. Oh the information we would get about people, situations, ideas, and most importantly ourselves if we took the time to…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: there is not much else to say about this one. Procrastination kills ideas. Maybe those will be tomorrow’s power words. Because they are the truth. If you don’t at least act a little on your idea, on your thought and inspiration, it will die a meaningless death. Instead, do…