Creativity & Business: Can Creativity and Business Coexist?
Can artists be both creative and good at business?
Can artists be both creative and good at business?
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words. I’m sitting after having taken care of my morning leg massage, that allows me to walk, and thinking it’s important. It’s important to take care of ourselves. If we don’t, who will? Vitality and Health are two of the ingredients that give us drive and purpose. If we are…
Boost Your Bookings with a High-Impact Artist Website This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,* and my book on how to become a stellar speaker, Speak From Within. Grab a complimentary 15-minute consultation with me. Leave me a voice message. It’s “Money Monday,” and we’re thrilled to have…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about fear lately. Many of us walk around with either small or humongous fears eating away at us every single day. The reason I think they pick away at our spirits and our motivation is because we give them too much power…
How can you find out the work your deepest self really wants to be doing? This episode offers ideas on how to figure it out and start moving towards it.
WARNING. some of what you hear on today’s podcast episode is triggering. But, to paraphrase the movie Rob Roy, if they can bear to withstand it, I can bear to be witness. In this episode I talk about something horrific that I saw. And then I talk about some ways that we can put a…
Can a Multi-faceted Entrepreneur Really Succeed? Conventional wisdom has said that if you are to succeed as either a creative and/or an entrepreneur that you have drill down to the one thing and do that one thing exclusively. But recently, more people have broken out of the mold and embraced being multi-faceted. Like a gorgeous…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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