How to Turn Your Blocks Into Breakthroughs
Is it a block or is it incubation. Listen to today’s episode to learn how to transform your blocks into breakthroughs.
Is it a block or is it incubation. Listen to today’s episode to learn how to transform your blocks into breakthroughs. Feeling stuck with work challenges or struggling with difficult coworkers? In this episode of Creative Solutions, we explore how creative thinking can help you tackle workplace obstacles with less stress and more success. From handling tight deadlines to fostering better collaboration, you’ll learn some practical strategies to bring a fresh perspective to your day-to-day challenges….
Comments on Roger E. Beatty’s PhD’s study of the Creative Brain. This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,* and my book on how to become a stellar speaker, Speak From Within. Are you ready to unlock your vocal potential? Grab the Speak with Confidence One-sheet for three easy…
To Be Effective, Spark Curiosity, Interact and Help Them Experience Your Message. This photo captures the best way to engage an audience. The entertainer connected with the audience member. He aroused the child’s curiosity. He’d been spinning plates, saw the child watching, and invited him to play. They shared laughter and fun. But things didn’t…
Alan, Sergio, Megan, and Izolda Explore Abundance from Week 6 of the Artist’s Way In this week’s Artist’s Way episode, our four intrepid artists explore what it means to have, recover, or discover a sense of bounty and abundance. This episode is brought to you by I love and use! It combines music and…
Are you shy? Socially awkward? Want to know a great and easy technique on how to start and have terrific conversations in almost any situation? Here’s the technique that’s worked for me for decades. I’m shy and used to have a public speaking phobia until I figured out some secrets. I’ll be sharing them with…
Catskill Animal Sanctuary’s Kathy Stevens On Saving The World One Animal At A Time If you love animals, you need to listen to this episode with Catskill Animal Sanctuary’s founder, Kathy Stevens. It will change your life and your world-view in 25 minutes! Kathy Stevens is the Founder of Catskill Animal Sanctuary, one of the…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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