Improve your creative output with these three steps
Enjoy this encore episode. New eps return May 29th
Enjoy this encore episode. New eps return May 29th
What you need to know before you make initial contact with a performing talent agent Here’s what you need to know about making initial contact with an agent to get booked for jobs. (If you decide to put your own demo together rather than working with a producer, and you want someone to watch your…
Today’s Tarot: Three of Pentacles. Work. Accomplish. Achieve. This card is about the business of doing business. You want something to happen? Sometimes, you just have to roll up your sleeves and go make it happen. It won’t just come to you because you wish for it (sadly, though wouldn’t that be cool). Intent really…
Confronting Narratives: Addressing Sensitive Themes in ‘Message in a Bottle This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,* and my book on how to become a stellar speaker, Speak From Within. Are you ready to unlock your vocal potential? Grab the Speak with Confidence One-sheet for three easy techniques….
How to Recover a Sense of Connection In this week’s Artist’s Way episode, our four intrepid artists explore what it means to have, recover, or discover a sense of connection. This episode is brought to you by I love and use! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep!…
Here is a resource for you. Take Back Your Calm in Just One Minute with this effective meditation. This video utilizes the same breathing techniques used by first responders to remain calm during times of extreme stress.
I wrote the following to a friend. And I decided to repost it here. For anyone who is going through a long, dark night of the soul right now, I send you my love. — It sucks to be laid bare. It sucks to have to face the biggest fears of your particular spirit (and…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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