Book Release Party Bingo
Speak From Within – The Book and The Message
Am I ready? What’s the Message?

I haven’t held book release events for all five of my books. In fact, the last time we “partied” was for The Fiddler’s Talisman (and we did a party for Life Elements). That was back in 2011. The Piano’s Key and Rock the Hand You’re Dealt came out to little fanfare. Each book had a specific reason for being and the readers got the message. Fans wanted the sequel to the fiction book and the coaching card guidebook. They made my job easy. “Just put those out, and we’ll be happy to get them and read them.” See? Easy. Quiet but easy.
This time I decided to talk more about the book. After all, it’s a book on telling your story. I wrote it as a way of teaching others how to break through some barriers. And I wanted to help people deal with public speaking fears. Last, I wanted to put a substantive workbook in their hands that would help them reach deep inside and bring out their unique message.
So far, the feedback has been great. Some have said it’s full of good advice and exercises. The book surprises people with just how much it contains. I’m excited to delve further into the topic. Maybe my next book will be Speak From Deeper Within. That’s because the more I search and research the subject the more I realize we can all learn about ourselves and the message we want to send to the world.
Does it have to be just one?
Do you only get one message? Do you only get one shot at bat? No! You’ve heard of the Industrial Age. You’ve heard of the Information Age. Well, we’re living in the Re-Invention Age. People no longer hold a single career for their working lives. We change who we are and what we do often every few years. So, the message in a bottle we send to the rest of the world will change too.
I think that’s OK. We can and ought to make changes to our lives when we need to. And we can change the message we put out there. As long as we remain consistent and true within ourselves, I think we’ll be good to go.
See, I’m the queen of re-invention. I’ve been a secretary, voiceover artist, musician, educator, ice cream scooper, tech support person, actress, workshop facilitator, and author. I still do many of these things. Contrary to conventional wisdom that you ought to do one thing and stick with it, I choose to pursue multiple streams in my career And that’s because my message to myself has remained consistent. “Love what you do while you’re doing it and then move on to the next thing and love that one too.” That’s the key. Love what you do. And if you don’t love it, reach deep within and find it. Then, reach around and help others find it too. That’s the only way for us to grow, to work, and to help others do it as well. That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ with it.
What about you? What’s your story? If you could re-invent yourself into anyone, who would you be? Singer, baker, candlestick maker?