Life Elements Transform Your Life With Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

What if you could:
– Actively cultivate self-confidence?
– Develop a reasoned, thoughtful state of mind?
– Access your emotional and compassionate center?
– Find a true sense of peace and belonging?
With Life Elements, you can!
Now, today, it is time to forge our own paths to a fulfilling, bountiful, joyful existence. Many people are seeking a different way to live – one that is peaceful, mindful, open, and passionate. In their search, they are turning to older ways of being and incorporating the relevant aspects into their lives. Many are combining facets of different methods in order to forge their own unique paths. This combination of numerous factors allows greater access to sources for a peaceful and joyful life.
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What if you could:
– Actively cultivate self-confidence?
– Develop a reasoned, thoughtful state of mind?
– Access your emotional and compassionate center?
– Find a true sense of peace and belonging?
With Life Elements, you can!
Now, today, it is time to forge our own paths to a fulfilling, bountiful, joyful existence. Many people are seeking a different way to live – one that is peaceful, mindful, open, and passionate. In their search, they are turning to older ways of being and incorporating the relevant aspects into their lives. Many are combining facets of different methods in order to forge their own unique paths. This combination of numerous factors allows greater access to sources for a peaceful and joyful life.
One of our gifts as a species is that we are free to choose what will work for us. We can combine cutting-edge technology with yoga or Tai Chi. We can utilize ancient meditation techniques and elemental energies and reinvigorate and reinterpret them for our modern age. That is what this book will do. Part roadmap, part assessment tool, part teacher, Life Elements: Transform Your Life With Earth, Air, Fire, and Water presents a revolutionary transformative process that will integrate the Elements in a way that brings about this fulfilling, abundant life.
This groundbreaking system of life transformation works with the ancient Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to describe and classify people into four broad personality types. Generally, one Element governs our instinctive responses to life events and situations, and we can determine that Element by completing the included assessments. Once we know our Element Designation, we can cultivate the others. Then, the strengths of the Elements will be ours to benefit our lives, increase happiness, and achieve goals.
Know your feelings with Water. Be mindful with Air. Move forward with Fire. Find serenity and peace with Earth. Learn how to access each Element. First, find your Element Designation and any Imbalances with the unique Life Elements Assessment Tools. Then, follow your individual path to Element Integration with the enclosed Missions and Meditations.
This book is fully integrated with the Internet. The Assessment Tools are available online along with a wealth of additional information and resources. The Life Elements website provides audio versions of the Meditations (so readers can download, listen and reap the full benefits of the meditations), videos, music, and other supplemental materials to enhance the Element Integration Process. These incredible tools are all available to those who purchase the book.
With Life Elements:
– Determine the reasons you do, think, and feel as you do.
– Take control of your instinctive responses and re-pattern them to be in your highest good.
– Discover your Elemental Designation and personality characteristics with the enclosed assessment tools.
– Define and walk your path to self-directed transformation.
– Complete the exciting Missions and Meditations that will enable you to integrate the Elements and thrive. The book contains:
– A step-by-step guide to completing the Element Integration Process
– Descriptions of the Elements, Element Combinations, and how they work in your life
– Assessment tools to help you determine your Element Designation
– Missions and Meditations to help you address imbalances and integrate all of the Elements so that you can then live on purpose and with purpose
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