Meditation for Busy People Online Class

Find the Meditation Technique That Will Work For You Long-term to Release Stress, Get Creative, and Live Juicy.

In this accessible, easy-to-digest, course, we’ll survey the various types of meditation techniques to find the best one for you. You’ll have plenty of guided meditations in various styles to return to as you build your mindfulness and meditation practice. The key here is that you don’t have to be a guru on a mountaintop to reap the benefits of meditative practice. At the end of the course, you’ll have a solid foundation to build a lifelong, effective practice that doesn’t take a ton of time.

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Find the Meditation Technique That Will Work For You Long-term to Release Stress, Get Creative, and Live Juicy.

In this accessible, easy-to-digest, course, we’ll survey the various types of meditation techniques to find the best one for you. You’ll have plenty of guided meditations in various styles to return to as you build your mindfulness and meditation practice. The key here is that you don’t have to be a guru on a mountaintop to reap the benefits of meditative practice. At the end of the course, you’ll have a solid foundation to build a lifelong, effective practice that doesn’t take a ton of time.

Enroll in the class before July 14, 2023 and get the exclusive “Mindful Self-Care Handbook” free. It’ll become an eBook on July 14th, so get the class and the handbook now.


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