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Words, Camera, Action!

Words, Camera, Action! How beloved movie and TV quotes can spark our creativity, inspire us, and improve our lives. Welcome to a brand new feature on this site. If you know me at all, you know how much I adore movies. Particularly, I love the words characters say. Good screenplay writing will tug at your heart….

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How to Handle Tears During a Public Speech

How to Handle Tears During a Public Speech The other night, at my book release party, someone asked about how to deal with being emotional during a public speaking event. “What is the place of natural tears when you’re public speaking,” she asked. She shocked me into silence. This strong, brave woman, who is a…

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Problem-Solving Matrices

Five Tips to Use the Creative Problem-Solving Matrix to Improve Your Skills In this week’s episode, I explore the problem-solving matrix. I delve into our process when approaching an issue to solve. I’ve developed two matrices. The first looks at traditional approaches to arriving at solutions. Additionally, the second provides a creative perspective. If you…

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Bouts With the Doubt Devil

Beating Back The Doubt Devil Available September 1, 2018. Every writer I’ve ever met has that thought. At least once during the writing process, we all run the “What am I thinking?? I’m not a writer!” doubt gauntlet. I’d wager anyone who has ever stretched for any goal has carried that burden. I’m no different. While…

The “Intercourse” of Communication and How to do it Right

The “Intercourse” of Communication and How to do it Right Here’s a question that I’ve been pondering recently. How is communication just like intercourse? I know, right? But bear with me. Here’s the thing about this. Communication is a give-and-take some, but sometimes one person gets a little bit more and sometimes the other person…