
Let the No Go

How to Let the No go. We all know it. In business, and in the rest of life, we hear “No.” A lot. And here’s the funny thing. When someone tells us no, we want to convince them over to yes. And there are times when it’s worth it. In certain negotiations, it’s imperative to…

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Problem-Solving Matrices

Five Tips to Use the Creative Problem-Solving Matrix to Improve Your Skills In this week’s episode, I explore the problem-solving matrix. I delve into our process when approaching an issue to solve. I’ve developed two matrices. The first looks at traditional approaches to arriving at solutions. Additionally, the second provides a creative perspective. If you…

How To Build Confidence for Speaking, Communicating, and Living

Build the Confidence to Express Yourself This week on the Tell Your Story Better podcast, I explore how you build confidence. If you want to become more confident and less anxious, follow the techniques I lay out in the episode. Particularly, I pay attention to the butterflies in our bellies. I outline a technique to…

Living thoughts

Every single day, do at least one thing that scares you. If you want to write, then write. Get a piece of paper and put down … something. It can be “holy sh*t, I have no idea what to say. This sucks.” That’s ok. They’re words on a page, and they are a beginning. If…