No mixed messages 

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: when I was a child, I didn’t keep a journal. I didn’t want to take the time to organize my thoughts, And I believed writing down my wishes was a pointless effort. Rather, I worked in the world with intuition I lived with and through reaction to what is…

Asking for help

It’s funny how today’s Show Up! journal power of words make me feel more vulnerable than powerful. They carry the ring of truth, but they also scare me. As I wrote these words in this morning’s journal, it struck me that I tend not to ask for help. I tend to try to do everything…

Curious? Read on!

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words (I love my morning journal free-write. I always learn so much from my subconscious. ?). I have long believed that stress is the root of all evil. And, if stress is the root of all evil, curiosity is the root of all success.  Something has to spark us. Something…