
How to Get Out of Autopilot and Re-energize Your Mind

How to Get Out of Autopilot and Re-energize Your Mind Enjoy this mini-Tell Your Story Better podcast episode 161.5. In it, I talk about a simple technique to get you out of autopilot and into your more creative, energized mind. It’s a simple technique, but it really works. And it does so without you having to…

Ingredients of success

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: these are it. After meditating and writing about the idea of success, these are what I came up with.  First, we must breathe and breathe deeply. Accessing our breath allows us to build and extend our patience not to mention oxygenating our blood and maintaining all our systems. Remember,…

Build your own castle

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: sure, you can spend your time envying the advantages other people have. But that takes you away from working your own stuff, from making your own advantages. In the end, all we have is what we bring. If we focus on coveting what other people have, we aren’t honing…

Start. Right now. 

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: I spent my free-write thinking about whether or not I’m too old to begin a new chapter, new phase of my life. I spent the last few decades working on projects I loved. But, they were all too diffuse.  Over the last year, I’ve changed my focus. Actually, it’s…

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You'd Better Look Me In The Eye When You Say That? Not Always.

Welcome to today’s Physical Talks. Why do we sometimes look off into space during our conversations? Hint: It’s to improve those communication moments. See more below. Some people say that someone who won’t look you in the eye must be lying. That’s not necessarily true. There are a lot of other possibilities. Ever been caught…