Start. Right now. 

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: I spent my free-write thinking about whether or not I’m too old to begin a new chapter, new phase of my life. I spent the last few decades working on projects I loved. But, they were all too diffuse.  Over the last year, I’ve changed my focus. Actually, it’s…

A success equation

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: I love the free-write portion of my journaling in the morning. The realizations sometimes come fast. And sometimes they knock me on the noggin and go, “Yeah, we’ve been trying to tell you this for the last 35 years.”  The temptation to burn out rather than fade away can…

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Have faith. 

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words from my morning free-write.  Today it’s about having faith. What you decide will happen often does if you are willing to be dogged in its pursuit. It’s when you waffle, hesitate, or second-guess yourself that you get in trouble.  Have faith but don’t be foolhardy. Your goal must have…