The Best Question to Ask Yourself When You’re Afraid
Here’s a short episode that will help you do what you’re afraid to do.
Here’s a short episode that will help you do what you’re afraid to do.
Enjoy this encore episode. New episodes will begin May 29th with the inimitable Ryan Hayashi.
And what can we do about it? Connect with me. Book a Discovery Call Answering a Question? I’d love to hear from you! Leave Me A Voicemail (and yours might get picked to be in an episode) This episode is brought to you by I love and use! It combines music and neuroscience to help…
Today’s cards fascinate me. Three of Swords, Strength, and Seven of Pentacles. Basically, they say if you want to keep your strength, your wits, and your sanity, take it easy today. If someone tries to get your goat (or even if they do it by accident) stay calm. Breathe through it. Losing your sh*t today…
What to do when you’re afraid to do the thing you want to do I’ve been there. You’ve been there. We’ve all been there. You have a project you need to do. You’re afraid to start it. This episode will help you deal with the fear with a practical method of overcoming it. I…
WARNING. some of what you hear on today’s podcast episode is triggering. But, to paraphrase the movie Rob Roy, if they can bear to withstand it, I can bear to be witness. In this episode I talk about something horrific that I saw. And then I talk about some ways that we can put a…
From Manuscript to Masterpiece: Insights from a Top Book Editor Take the survey. This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,*, my book on how to become a stellar communicator, Speak From Within, and this podcast’s host, Podbean (Get a one-month free trial of Podbean with this affiliate link. Leave me a…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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