The Need For Focus in Art and Money
In order to succeed, we have to focus. In order to focus, we need to choose what we will concentrate on. Listen to today’s episode for ideas on how to do that.
In order to succeed, we have to focus. In order to focus, we need to choose what we will concentrate on. Listen to today’s episode for ideas on how to do that.
How to respond better to whatever happens Unless you’re faced with an emergency, reacting immediately to a situation might not be in your best interest. But how do you not react? In this episode, I explore what it takes to respond more optimally to any stimulus. Please download the Respond Better doc so you can…
This is a terrific method of supercharging the amount and quality of your content. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with how much you have to do, this technique will work like a charm. Tag someone who needs to hear this. xox Z
Build the neural pathways to where you want to go. Choose a location card. Money Monday: Get More Business with Your Google Business Profile This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,* and my book on how to become a stellar speaker, Speak From Within. Discover the secrets to unlock your inner leader! Download the free confidence-building tip sheet now! Grab a complimentary 15-minute consultation with…
Exploring Vegan Delights and Sustainable Community at the Jungle Cafe: An Interview with Sebastian Rogowski This episode is brought to you by Izolda’s class, Meditation for Busy People. Discover clarity and joy in just five minutes a day. The episode is also brought to you by Izolda’s favorite productivity and well-being app,*, and this…
Ryan Hayashi is a modern-day samurai. He was born in Canada and now lives in Mannheim, Germany where he lectures at the University of Mannheim. He began the study of martial arts at the age of nine and is martial arts sensei, or teacher, today. He also spent time living and training in Tokyo, Japan….
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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