Today's Tarot: Eight of Swords (imprisonment, restriction, oppression)
Today’s Tarot: Eight of Swords
Today’s Tarot: Eight of Swords
Ups and Downs Emotionally? Oh yay! (This week’s cards: King of Cups, Page of Cups [reversed], Seven of Swords) I feel like I should be quoting cheesy 80s love song lyrics here, for some reason. But I think I’ll just say that if you put yourself out there emotionally, if you are honest about your…
Ah, the Queen of Cups is one of my favorite cards in the deck. She represents the compassionate, generous, creative aspect of the deck like few other cards. Not only that, but she reminds us that while we are being compassionate, giving, generous, and tender toward everyone else, not to forget ourselves. “Sure!” she says….
Today’s Tarot: The High Priestess. (Secrets, Internal awareness, Independence) In my mind, there are two big archetypical women in the deck. The first is the Empress, who represents the caring, mothering aspect. Then, there is the High Priestess who represents the strong, independent aspect. She holds herself to herself, knows what she wants, and gets…
The Magician, The Ace of Pentacles, the Tower. “When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange, who you are into what you’re gonna be.” (Bonus points if you know the source of that quote.) Today it’s about being proactive for yourself. If you want to make huge sweeping changes in your life, like say…
Romantic, moody, emotional, compassionate, creative, imaginative, feeling – these all describe the Knight of Cups. Today is a day to really get into how we feel and what it means to be us in our shoes, at this time and in this place. Sometimes, it’s easy to know how we feel. When my cat climbs…
The Empress, Ace of Rods, Ace of Swords. I would like to bottle these cards and sell them on the open market. I’d be rich. Rich, I tell you. The Empress: Fertile ground. Ace of Swords: a grand idea. Ace of Rods: The energy and passion to start it (and starting it). Wow! So, what…