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Today's Tarot: Queen of Cups (compassion, tenderness, generosity, creative energy)

Ah, the Queen of Cups is one of my favorite cards in the deck. She represents the compassionate, generous, creative aspect of the deck like few other cards. Not only that, but she reminds us that while we are being compassionate, giving, generous, and tender toward everyone else, not to forget ourselves.

“Sure!” she says. Be kind. Be generous. Be compassionate. Give your heart and attention where they are needed. Absolutely! However, if you’re trying to do all that while you are running on empty, you will soon lose all steam and then you’ll shut yourself away in a dark room with nothing but Ben and Jerry’s and episodes of Supernatural, Friday Night Lights, or General Hospital (insert your guilty pleasure tv watching here) streaming in a continual loop.

Personally, I never want to get to that point where I’m so depleted that I have nothing left to give anyone or anywhere. So the trick is to take care of our needs first. I liken it to when you are on a plane and the flight attendant says, “In the event that we lose cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down. Please put on your own first before assisting others.”

That oxygen mask might take many forms. It might be making yourself a healthy fruit smoothie first thing in the morning. It might be making and taking dedicated time for your creativity, or a self-indulgent bubble bath, pedicure, long walk in the rain, or just your favorite tea in your favorite mug.

This Queen is the internal expression of your kindness, generosity, and compassion. It’s a great day to show someone special that you care. Oh and that someone special? That’s you!

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