Today's Tarot: Queen of Pentacles (nurturing, abundance, peace-of-heart)
Today’s Tarot: Queen of Pentacles.
Today’s Tarot: Queen of Pentacles.
If Patience is Such a Virtue, Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About This Teapot? Here’s the problem with it being close to my Birthday. I start shopping. In fact, Rich hates it because I always end up buying whatever I might want before he gets a chance to get it for me. But when…
Today’s Tarot: The World. (Fulfillment, Completion, Integration) (The following is a PG-17 write-up so please refrain from reading or check with your parents if you are younger than that.) Ooh, this is one of my favorite cards (if you are younger than 18, please don’t read the following sentence…) It is like a life orgasm….
I recently read Derek Siver’s excellent, short book, “Anything You Want.” One of the chapters is titled, “If not hell yeah, then no.” It means that unless you are excited to do something, don’t do it. Say no. Then, you leave yourself open to cool new opportunities that you will be thrilled to accept. I…
There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. The Hermit has chosen a life of solitude, but she or he is not lonely. There is a purity of purpose to his/her solitude. Whether it’s a life of examination, meditation, communion with spirit, dedication to a craft, or the simple desire to be…
I wish a happy Mother’s Day to all of you who guide, protect, and love others. Some of you are biologically moms. Some adopt (humans and others). Some work with kids and help them thrive. Some have that nurturing energy and give it to those in need. I send you my wishes that you are…
We lost a big pine in the woods today. It fell right across one of the main paths the dog and I hike every day. And it got me to thinking about obstacles that fall in our path. How do we deal with them? Do we maneuver around them? Do we climb over them? Do…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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