Today's Tarot: Six of Swords.
Today’s Tarot: Six of Swords.
Today’s Tarot: Six of Swords.
Six of Pentacles, Death (again, not the physical kind). Today, it’s about balancing what you have vs what you don’t have and what you need vs. what you want. Just because you want that new purse, car, shoes, DVD, whatever, doesn’t mean you need it. Unless, you do. Did the car break for the last…
Trust. In essence, this card is about trust. Wherever we find ourselves, we need to trust that we are seeing what we are seeing and more importantly that we are feeling what we’re feeling. We have to trust that it is okay to feel what we feel. Sure, if we are experiencing emotions that are…
Today, we have some decisions to make. Do we remain true to our ideals or do we bend them just enough to get what we ultimately think we want? Do we stay honest or do we tell little white lies that will grease wheels, smooth the road ahead, and keep the peace? Do we maintain…
Today’s Tarot: The High Priestess. (Secrets, Internal awareness, Independence) In my mind, there are two big archetypical women in the deck. The first is the Empress, who represents the caring, mothering aspect. Then, there is the High Priestess who represents the strong, independent aspect. She holds herself to herself, knows what she wants, and gets…
I find this card a hard one to write about. There are so many connotations that people find it hard to objective about this card. We tend to ascribe so many meanings, facets, and patinas to it that we never get to bottom of things. In my opinion, it is easy to put all the…
Ups and Downs Emotionally? Oh yay! (This week’s cards: King of Cups, Page of Cups [reversed], Seven of Swords) I feel like I should be quoting cheesy 80s love song lyrics here, for some reason. But I think I’ll just say that if you put yourself out there emotionally, if you are honest about your…
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