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Today's Tarot: The Star (Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration)

Today’s Tarot: The Star

Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration.
When I think of the Star card, I think of keeping your feet on the ground while reaching for your dreams. In the card, the figure literally has one foot on land (of practicality) and the other in the water (of dreams). She tells us to stay practical but always keep dreaming of the possibilities. The best part is when we get to act on those dreams from the stable base we’ve built for ourselves. And, when we do it on our own terms, so much the better.
So, today, I encourage you to spend a little time evaluating your dreams. What are they? How are you serving them right now? And what small or large thing can you do that will take you one step closer to fulfilling them?
Affirm for yourself that you deserve your dreams and act on that affirmation from a place of pragmatic wisdom. Then, the universe will be open to you. And that’s just the best!
As always, if you want a more detailed reading: http://readingsbyizolda.com

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