Today's Tarot: The World (fulfillment, completion, integration)
Today’s Tarot: The World.
Today’s Tarot: The World.
Ups and Downs Emotionally? Oh yay! (This week’s cards: King of Cups, Page of Cups [reversed], Seven of Swords) I feel like I should be quoting cheesy 80s love song lyrics here, for some reason. But I think I’ll just say that if you put yourself out there emotionally, if you are honest about your…
3/3/12. Page of Swords, Ace of Pentacles. Hmm, the first card drawn was the same as yesterday. And, I tried, twice, to choose a different card because I though that it would be kind of ridiculous to write up the same card two days in a row. Not so. The ridiculous thing is that I…
I find this card a hard one to write about. There are so many connotations that people find it hard to objective about this card. We tend to ascribe so many meanings, facets, and patinas to it that we never get to bottom of things. In my opinion, it is easy to put all the…
Whenever I draw this card, it reminds me to enjoy the processes of my life. Sure, there are tons of things we all have to do. Often, the thought or even the stress of getting ready to do them makes them seem bigger, than they are. And when we actually bite the bullet and start,…
Six of Cups (innocence, childhood, play) Is ignorance really bliss? That’s the question the six of cups makes me ponder this morning. It’s all about childhood innocence and play. When you pull the six of cups, you know you are in for a treat because it tends to hearken back to times of fun and…
Today’s Tarot: Ten of Rods (Struggle, Movement, Motion) Have you ever felt like just packing up all your toys and going home? Sometimes, after struggling to make something work or to make your square peg fit into something else’s round hole, or just to pretend long enough and hard enough that you actually care about the…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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