Today's Tarot: Two of Cups: Love your Partners in Crime
Today’s Tarot: Two of Cups.
Today’s Tarot: Two of Cups.
Today’s Tarot: The High Priestess. (Secrets, Internal awareness, Independence) In my mind, there are two big archetypical women in the deck. The first is the Empress, who represents the caring, mothering aspect. Then, there is the High Priestess who represents the strong, independent aspect. She holds herself to herself, knows what she wants, and gets…
2/21/12: High Priestess, King of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles. It’s gorgeous here today. And what I really want to do is go outside and play, but I have to do is prep for work. So, I have to decide how I will manage to get both in. And that’s what these cards are all about:…
Today’s Tarot: Queen of Pentacles. Nurturing, abundance, peace-of-heart. One of my favorite cards, the Queen of Pentacles calls on us to do that which can be so hard. She calls on us to stop rushing, stop stressing, and trust that things are exactly where they are supposed to be. There is a quote, the source…
During my time studying and reading tarot, this card has had the singular status of confusing me to no end. Like the wand suit of which it is a part, it is changeable, dynamic, and always in some sort of motion. Sometimes, when I look at it, I see a battle being waged and decisively…
Today’s Tarot: Knight of Swords (knowledgeable, decisive, opinionated) Knights in the deck are a funny lot. Regardless of whether or not their suit is active, they themselves act to fulfill the descriptions of their suits. While cups are about our emotions and rods are about our actions, swords are about our decisions and thinking. They…
I find this card a hard one to write about. There are so many connotations that people find it hard to objective about this card. We tend to ascribe so many meanings, facets, and patinas to it that we never get to bottom of things. In my opinion, it is easy to put all the…
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