Today's Tarot: Two of Rods (bold, confident, innovative)
Today’s Tarot: Two of Rods. (I always love this card!)
Today’s Tarot: Two of Rods. (I always love this card!)
The Star, The Moon (reversed) and the Three of Pentacles. Today, it’s pretty simple. There’s a time to be inspired and there’s a time to put our noses to the grindstone and just do the work to make things happen. Some people are idea people, visionaries. They see far and clearly. Their ideas are innovative,…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: It’s tempting to wallow in analysis paralysis. It’s seductive to throw our hands up and say, “It can’t be done,” before we have started. Everything looks more daunting until we start doing something about it. That’s the key. We have to start. Once we begin the trek, no matter…
Today’s Tarot: The Star Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration. When I think of the Star card, I think of keeping your feet on the ground while reaching for your dreams. In the card, the figure literally has one foot on land (of practicality) and the other in the water (of dreams). She tells us to stay practical…
In the previous post, we talked about proper posture when standing or sitting to communicate. To recap: stand with your feet hip-width apart (draw an imaginary line from your second toes, through the center of your ankles, the center of your knees and then up to the hip points [the parts that just out to…
Tonight, I will be creating a brand new vision board. For those who don’t know what one is, it is a focusing tool, usually some sort of paper, that you create to clarify your goals and foci. A physical board can be a piece of paper on which you draw or glue pictures of your…
Under promise and over deliver even if it is to yourself. Set your goals and then incinerate them. So, what are you invested in? Figure it out and then go to work! Tag someone who needs to see this. #goals #goalsetting #writing #amwriting #personaldevelopment #success #dedicationhasnolimitation #whatareyouinvestedin #wordcount