Today's Tarot: Two of Rods (bold, confident, innovative)
Today’s Tarot: Two of Rods. (I always love this card!)
Today’s Tarot: Two of Rods. (I always love this card!)
Today’s Tarot: Seven of Cups (Dreams, options, wishes) The seven of cups is one of my favorite cards with one caveat and it’s that old chestnut, “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.” The card shows up when we have options (and sometimes don’t even know what those are) and…
Balance, Strength, Flexibility. I could say these are words to live by this week. But then I’d have to add, action, passion, and compassion as well. This draw of cards is pretty impressive, actually. You don’t often see so much positive show up in one three-card draw. Let me go get my shades (’cause our…
Today’s Tarot: The Star Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration. When I think of the Star card, I think of keeping your feet on the ground while reaching for your dreams. In the card, the figure literally has one foot on land (of practicality) and the other in the water (of dreams). She tells us to stay practical…
Tonight, I will be creating a brand new vision board. For those who don’t know what one is, it is a focusing tool, usually some sort of paper, that you create to clarify your goals and foci. A physical board can be a piece of paper on which you draw or glue pictures of your…
I am passionately curious about people. I love learning what motivates them, what challenges them, and what inspires them. So, I listen. I listen in my coaching practice. I listen during my workshops and seminars, and I shamelessly listen to conversations around me when I am working at coffee shops or when I’m walking down…
Today’s cards: Strength, The Fool, Ace of Rods. Wow, these cards are perfect for me today. I’ve spent the last few days sick as anything, barely moving, and feeling like death warmed over and then left out on a table to be feasted on by ants. This morning, I have finally have energy and a…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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