Today's Tarot: Two of Rods (bold, confident, innovative)
Today’s Tarot: Two of Rods. (I always love this card!)
Today’s Tarot: Two of Rods. (I always love this card!)
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words from my morning free-write. Today it’s about having faith. What you decide will happen often does if you are willing to be dogged in its pursuit. It’s when you waffle, hesitate, or second-guess yourself that you get in trouble. Have faith but don’t be foolhardy. Your goal must have…
The Star, The Moon (reversed) and the Three of Pentacles. Today, it’s pretty simple. There’s a time to be inspired and there’s a time to put our noses to the grindstone and just do the work to make things happen. Some people are idea people, visionaries. They see far and clearly. Their ideas are innovative,…
Balance, Strength, Flexibility. I could say these are words to live by this week. But then I’d have to add, action, passion, and compassion as well. This draw of cards is pretty impressive, actually. You don’t often see so much positive show up in one three-card draw. Let me go get my shades (’cause our…
In the previous post, we talked about proper posture when standing or sitting to communicate. To recap: stand with your feet hip-width apart (draw an imaginary line from your second toes, through the center of your ankles, the center of your knees and then up to the hip points [the parts that just out to…
Here’s an easy way to spark some creative thinking and problem-solving. Pick a card, any card. Every card has a different object. Figure out its story. Does everyone want it? Is it causing problems? Conflict? How will you resolve things? How will you solve the problem? Answer those questions with the story. Then, transfer those…
Welcome to today’s Physical Talks. Why do we sometimes look off into space during our conversations? Hint: It’s to improve those communication moments. See more below. Some people say that someone who won’t look you in the eye must be lying. That’s not necessarily true. There are a lot of other possibilities. Ever been caught…