Today's Tarot: Wheel of Fortune (Chance, Luck, Destiny)
Today’s Tarot: Wheel of Fortune.
Today’s Tarot: Wheel of Fortune.
I find this card a hard one to write about. There are so many connotations that people find it hard to objective about this card. We tend to ascribe so many meanings, facets, and patinas to it that we never get to bottom of things. In my opinion, it is easy to put all the…
Ah, the Queen of Cups is one of my favorite cards in the deck. She represents the compassionate, generous, creative aspect of the deck like few other cards. Not only that, but she reminds us that while we are being compassionate, giving, generous, and tender toward everyone else, not to forget ourselves. “Sure!” she says….
Learn and then do. Know and then act. Find out and then react. The Hierophant can be a tough taskmaster. He calls on us to know before we act. That can really cramp your style when all you want to do is jump in and get going. But, often when we do that, instead of…
Sometimes, despite our best efforts to be stalwart, true, and virtuous, we’re temped to shirk our responsibilities and take the easy way out. The seven of swords portends that today will be such a day. Around every corner, we’ll be tempted to take our toys and go home, or at least to sneak off and…
Today’s Tarot: The Star Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration. When I think of the Star card, I think of keeping your feet on the ground while reaching for your dreams. In the card, the figure literally has one foot on land (of practicality) and the other in the water (of dreams). She tells us to stay practical…
King of Swords and Seven of Pentacles. Reap the rewards of all your efforts and planning or, plan better for next time. How much does it frustrate you that despite your best efforts things get all FUBARed? You plan. You make lists. You figure it out step-by-step. And despite all that, once you get started…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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