Much as I hate to disagree with Yoda, that’s just the truth of it. We have to keep trying until we succeed. The result might not be what we envisioned, but it will be incredible.
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words:I have scent allergies. So, I am particularly sensitive to and aware of my breath. If I breathe in something harmful, I get immediate feedback. But, it’s not like I can stop breathing. 🙂 We all have to breathe. And the deeper we breathe, the more air we take in,…
Today’s Show Up Journal power words: there’s really not much else to say about it. You are fantastic. You are amazing. You’re incredible. Now go and do.
It’s tempting, isn’t it, to try to do it all and to try to be all things to all people. But somehow that tactic never works. We are always left with that doubt that we didn’t do enough. And that is because we couldn’t do it. There was no way to live up to all…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power word: integrity. This one was tough to write about in the journal this morning. We all live through days where we don’t live up to our fullest potential. We all live through times when we give slightly less than our best. And we make excuses or get defensive and even…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about fear lately. Many of us walk around with either small or humongous fears eating away at us every single day. The reason I think they pick away at our spirits and our motivation is because we give them too much power…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: sure, you can spend your time envying the advantages other people have. But that takes you away from working your own stuff, from making your own advantages. In the end, all we have is what we bring. If we focus on coveting what other people have, we aren’t honing…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words. These words have a pretty specific call to action. First, we must maintain control and take responsibility for what we do. It’s about integrity. Certainly, we can make mistakes. We are all entitled to that. But then we must own up to them and if we do, there is…
Today’s power words from the Show Up! Journal. I’ve said this to clients multiple times. I’ve said this in presentations and workshops. It doesn’t stop being true. If you’ve given everything, and it still hasn’t worked, and you feel you’re done? Walk away. If it doesn’t feel right, walk away. If you can look at…
Today’s Show Journal power words. In every second of every day, we make decisions. We choose how we will be, what we will do, and what we will say. In each of those instances, we decide, consciously or subconsciously, whether we will show courage or fear. A fear response might make us feel safer in…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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