Where you look is where you’ll go

where you look is where you'll go
Me on the training bike when I got certified to ride motorcycles.

When you learn how to ride a motorcycle, they drum one rule into your head. “Where you look is where you’ll go.” If you want to go somewhere, look in that direction. And as if by magic you’ll go there. Conversely, if you don’t look where you want to go, you won’t.

And here’s the kicker. If you want to go somewhere, but you don’t look there, at best, you won’t get there. At worst? You’ll crash. You must keep your eyes in the direction you want to travel. If you don’t, you’ll never reach it.

If you’re riding a motorcycle, you must keep focus. You can’t let your mind wander. You have to be in the present moment every second. There are too many things to think about so you stay safe. Because if you start thinking about anything else, you’ll hurt yourself or someone else. “Eyes on the prize” becomes the mantra.

Allow me to philosophize for a minute.  “Where you look is where you’ll go,” is a great metaphor for our personal and professional lives as well. Keep your focus on where you are going. Pay attention to the process of the work. And work on what matters.

That’s how you’ll get where you want to go.

Where are you trying to go? What project is your prize? Comment below and let me know.

[bctt tweet=”Keep your focus on where you are going. Pay attention to the process of the work. And work on what matters. #workonwhatmatters” username=”izoldat”]

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