Workshop Science

Science Shows Singing Improves Your Performance and Your Life

Numerous studies and peer-reviewed articles highlight the connection between singing, confidence, inclusion, and group dynamics.

Here are just some of the recent studies and articles that conclude that singing improves brain function, increases confidence, forges communities, and builds teams.

Group music performance causes elevated pain thresholds and social bonding in small and large groups of singers.

Singing together promotes social closeness – even in large group situations where individuals do not know each other. March 2016.

Brain Activation During Singing: “Clef de Sol Activation” Is the “Concert” of the Human Brain.

Singing necessitates activation of several areas of the brain that are served by multiple neural networks. March 2016.

Singing together or apart: The effect of competitive and cooperative singing on social bonding within and between sub-groups of a university Fraternity

Group singing can increase closeness to less familiar individuals regardless of whether they share a common motivation. November 2016.

The neurochemistry and social flow of singing: bonding and oxytocin

Group singing reduces stress. September 2015.

How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables

Musical training has positive effects on brain development. January 2014.

Singing and social inclusion

Evidence suggests that engagement in musical activities may impact feelings of social inclusion and integration. July 2014.

Anxiety, excitement, and public speaking

Reframing anxiety as excitement can decrease fear of public speaking or public performance.

Singing together as one can build common focus.

When people sing together, their heartbeats synchronize (NPR story, BBC story).

Singing promotes well-being in amateur singers.

Amateur singers reported an increase in elation and joy during a singing lesson.