36-Features vs Benefits which you should focus on when pitching
Features vs benefits. Which you should focus on when pitching your work in interviews, meetings, and any creative endeavor.
Features vs benefits. Which you should focus on when pitching your work in interviews, meetings, and any creative endeavor.
Increase mindfulness through study Innovation is a mindset and also a practice. You must build skills that will help you innovate, but that doesn’t occur in a vacuum. You have to apply mindfulness – the awareness that problems exist – and creative actions in order to innovate. That happens when you make a study of…
Playwright Julie Brandon’s Hansel and Gretel like you’ve never heard before—tables turned, roles shifted, and a story reborn. What if Hansel and Gretel didn’t go the way we all remember? In this episode of Your Creative Mind, we bring you the second installment of our play table read series with Hansel and Gretel: The Tables…
Music is the universal language. If you want to understand another culture, listen to their songs. There are so many things I love about doing world music at colleges and universities. I get to expose students to new cultures and languages. I get to introduce them to music they would otherwise never hear. And they…
Get Angela’s favorites and recommendations in this bonus episode. This episode is brought to you by my book, Speak From Within (learn more at How to Make Starting Conversations a Breeze), Brain.fm*, and Podbean*. Connect with Izolda Book a Discovery Call Answering a Question? I’d love to hear from you! Leave Me A Voicemail (and yours might get picked…
Comedic Alchemy is Myq Kaplan’s Art This episode is brought to you by Izolda’s class, Meditation for Busy People. Discover clarity and joy in just five minutes a day. The episode is also brought to you by Izolda’s favorite productivity and well-being app, Brain.fm*, and this podcast’s host, Podbean*. Also, grab the speaking warm-up video to…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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