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How Often Do I Move? An Experiment to Learn My Patterns

So, I’m running a wee experiment on myself. It occurs to me that I have become a bit too sedentary. Certainly, when I’m on the go, I’m out and running. But, when I’m at home, I’m noticing my tendency to sit (pretty still) and work and get stiff and hurt. It got me to thinking…

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The Writing Road is full of cul de sacs, bumps, and superhighways

I’ve released two books. One is non-fiction and the other is fiction. The first “Life Elements,” I released back in 2008. It’s done well, and I periodically still do workshops and other marketing to boost sales. What hadn’t I done until yesterday? For whatever reason, I waited and waited and waited until more than five…


Be good at what you are and remember to count your blessings even if you can't count anything else

Ah, the day I’ve been dreading. It will be full of administrative work. Type this into the database. Enter that into the file and make PDFs. Oh and then read 130 pages of dry dry dry RFP to see if I can help with the thing I’ve been asked to help with. And then, more…

Discover a new author, Kim Kash: Ocean City Lowdown

Ocean City Lowdown introduces Eastern Shore Maryland reporter Jamie August, who has a talent for unearthing more than her editor wants and a weakness for Ravens jerseys and sparkly underwear. Jamie’s tenacity, smarts, and sheer recklessness—plus some smokin’ striptease dance moves—can get her out of some tight spots, but are they enough to save her from…