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An informal experiment in approachability, communication, and cute vs shlubby

I’ve been running an informal experiment for the last couple of weeks. Those of you who know me, know what I’m shaped like. Those who don’t, take a look at my pic below. I am, what a friend recently described, curvy. Am I thin? Nope. Am I in shape? Mostly (will get back into better…

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Farewell Caffeine I have loved you well…

Dear Caffeine. Has it come to this? Have we finally reached the stage in our relationship where we must part? No! No, I say. I cry. I scream it to the heavens. I can not part from my lifelong love, my succor, the wind beneath my wings. But alas, it looks like dire circumstances have…

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The Yermo Method: Learning to Ride a Motorcycle, Practice Session 1

A couple of weeks ago, I took the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Basic Rider Course. I passed and the following week I got my M Class license. I am now street legal to ride a motorcycle (according to Maryland). What that means is that the instructors trained me to know what to do as a basic…

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Easing On Down the Road: Basic Riding Course Day Four

I did it! I passed the course. After four days of classwork and range work, I have my waiver from the State of Maryland and I can go to the MVA at any time (for the next six months) and get my M Class license. Did it go perfectly? Nope. Was it enough to get…

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Easing On Down the Road: Basic Riding Class, Day Three

Today was the first day of the range work for the Basic (Motorcycle) Riding Class I’m taking. Was it tough? Parts of it. Was it fun? All of it. I did have some trouble with bits and pieces but mostly, I feel like a bad-ass. 🙂 We started by getting in touch with where things…