My latest poem: “Heart of Stone.” I found the stone on my morning hike. It told me the poem. Enjoy.
New poetry.
I don’t often write poems, but this one flew out of me. I might need to rearrange two of the lines but for right now, here it is.
Creativity vs administration: should you do the one or the other?
I had the most amazing time working on “Influenced,” Discordian Film’s entry to the DC 48 Hour Film Project. We had an fantastic team, a terrific cast and crew, and if I say so myself (since I wrote the actual screenplay after the story was developed by the entire cast and crew), a kick-ass movie…
The winding staircase of the road to self-acceptance
After reading a few articles this morning, I came to a dead stop and asked myself an important question. Exactly what am I trying to do when I work to accept myself? I don’t mean just the “I’m OK, You’re OK,” notion. Yes, on many levels, life would be much better if we could all…
The Spirit is Willing but the Flesh is Exhausted
What does it take to be innovative? What does it take to break new ground? How do I take the deluge of ideas that swirl in my mind at any one moment, calm them down into some sort of order, and then bring them to fruition? I have have been thinking about these questions for…
Skin color, melanin, and students' misconceptions about it all during a presentation on soil
Tough class today. It wasn’t just that we got off-topic (which we did). It was that I felt like I was battling some real and serious misconceptions about life, the universe, and everything while I was working with the students. One of the students asked the question, “I was looking up some stuff online and…
For best results, know it internally
I just wrote the following as a comment to a friend asking for adjectives/attributes that describe him as part of a process he is going through. I’m hoping he takes it in the manner in which it was intended but regardless, I stand behind what I wrote. I believe those kinds of “I am awesome,…
What's happening here and how do we all fix it?
I’m starting to wonder whether there is something happening to our species genetically/evolutionarily that we are seeing such a rise in what I term utter cruelty to those who are more defenseless than ourselves, whether it is just that we hear more about it in the information age, or whether this is a reaction to…
My heart goes out to all who are suffering tonight. May you find healing. May your grief flow through you and from you and may your pain ease. As I heard about the events in Boston, I immediately thought, “What can I do? What can I do? I’m so far away! How can I help?”…
Calling for Models of all colors, sizes, and styles
I just listened to a Tell Me More broadcast on the lack of representation of women of color on magazine covers. It stemmed from a FB post by Jada Pinkett Smith asking whether or not magazines that are traditionally geared towards women of color should start putting white women on their covers. I get that…