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Today's Tarot: Nine of Swords (First rule, be careful with yourself)

I’ll be honest. It’s not the most pleasant of cards. It talks about stress, worry, potential illness, and general malaise. It doesn’t mean that your day is going to be like that. It does however mean that you need to be on the lookout for those kinds of distressing feelings and situations. And then, you…

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Today's Tarot: Queen of Pentacles (creativity, productivity, peace, work)

Whenever I draw this card, it reminds me to enjoy the processes of my life. Sure, there are tons of things we all have to do. Often, the thought or even the stress of getting ready to do them makes them seem bigger, than they are. And when we actually bite the bullet and start,…

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Today's Tarot: Five of Rods (conflict, battle, altercations)

When I was a kid, I had a poster on my wall. It said, “Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they actually look forward to the trip.” In some ways, that statement typifies the brighter facets of this card. Yes, sometimes, we can’t help but…

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Today's Tarot: Seven of Swords (temptation to shirk)

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to be stalwart, true, and virtuous, we’re temped to shirk our responsibilities and take the easy way out. The seven of swords portends that today will be such a day. Around every corner, we’ll be tempted to take our toys and go home, or at least to sneak off and…

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Today's Tarot: Eight of Rods (decisive action, resources, benefactors)

During my time studying and reading tarot, this card has had the singular status of confusing me to no end. Like the wand suit of which it is a part, it is changeable, dynamic, and always in some sort of motion. Sometimes, when I look at it, I see a battle being waged and decisively…

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Today's Tarot: Page of Swords (Be honest, be conscientious, be mindful)

It starts with being honest with ourselves. In the end, that’s most important. I find that my own capacity for pulling the wool over my own eyes can be quite vast. So, I constantly have to remind myself to assess where I am, what I am going through, what I want, and what I will…

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Today's Tarot: Magician (integration, consciousness, purposeful action)

The Magician always takes me a little by surprise because he brings a clarion call to purposeful action. I tend to to think that I do most things on purpose and with purpose but then I draw the Magician and stop and think about what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. And then I…