
If not this door, another door. The universe just keeps nudging us in the right direction, doesn’t it? Sometimes, it’s driving and hitting all the right lights. Sometimes, it’s having events that you didn’t really want to do get canceled at the last minute, therefore, freeing you up to go do what you really want…

Overheard: episode 3, zombie brains, the drive to succeed, and boy sopranos

This week’s Overheard has three fun bits. These slices of life are brought to you by me being a shameless eavesdropper. I learn so much about people, their dreams, ideas, and lives by keeping an open ear and an open mind. I hope you enjoy these snippets of life from cafe’s restaurants and the streets…

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How to Use Point-Counterpoint to Improve Your Plans, Goals, and Logistics

How to Use “Point/Counterpoint” to Improve Your Plans, Goals, and Methods Want a great way to clarify who you are and what you stand for? Write down what you want to achieve and why. Now, argue for the other side. Make a counter-argument against what you believe and what you want to achieve. Counter every…

Do This to Add the Value Your Potential Clients, Customers, or Bosses Really Want

Are you posting all day every day on social media to try and reach your potential clients, customers or employers? And are you hearing nothing but crickets? Sometimes, even though we post a ton of content, we’re not reaching, really reaching, our audience. In this episode, I detail an effective technique to figure out what…


Lessons from Chatting with Laurie Anderson

My Speaking Lesson From Chatting With Laurie Anderson I promise you. I didn’t have a fangirl meltdown while I chatted with the great Laurie Anderson*.  But I did get a great speaking lesson. After her talkback yesterday at the Museum Of Natural History, she and I talked about Einstein’s frustration that some of his theories weren’t beautiful. During the…

Overheard – Muskrats, Issues, and Young People’s Goals

Today’s Overheard episode has three fun stories. Sometimes, when a conversation is particularly fun or poignant, I grab a photo of the people speaking.  If you like this Friday feature, please let me know. And please rate and review the show. Your review will help me keep the podcast going and growing.   xox Z


What’s Your Investment in Questions and Answers I’ve been thinking about questions and answers. We ask questions because we need an answer or because we’re curious. And seldom do we ask anything without being invested in what the answer is going to be. And as soon as you’ve invested in one direction or another, everything…