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How to Use Point-Counterpoint to Improve Your Plans, Goals, and Logistics

How to Use “Point/Counterpoint” to Improve Your Plans, Goals, and Methods Want a great way to clarify who you are and what you stand for? Write down what you want to achieve and why. Now, argue for the other side. Make a counter-argument against what you believe and what you want to achieve. Counter every…

speaker goals

Speaker Goals

Last night, I had the privilege of working with some dedicated people to help them beat their fears of public speaking. We worked together at the flagship Microsoft Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. I’m super grateful to Mel and Angelina at the Microsoft store for being such gracious hosts. (I also have…


Want to boost your productivity tomorrow? Do these three things tonight. 1. Turn off your phone and other electronics 30 minutes before bed. 2. Grab a journal or a piece of paper and a pen and get in bed. 3. Write the 3-3s. 1. 3 things you accomplished today (size doesn’t matter). 2. 3 things…


Let the No Go

How to Let the No go. We all know it. In business, and in the rest of life, we hear “No.” A lot. And here’s the funny thing. When someone tells us no, we want to convince them over to yes. And there are times when it’s worth it. In certain negotiations, it’s imperative to…

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How To Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself

How To Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself That’s a tough one, isn’t it? How do we do keep our promises to ourselves consistently? What support do we need to make that happen? Whenever I speak with my coaching clients, I say, “Always tell yourself the truth.” So, if you make yourself a promise, make…