How to: strategic vs tactical thinking – a packing primer

Self-made Creative podcast episode: 20180604 In today’s episode, I explore strategic and tactical thinking and how we can do it to optimize our planning, innovation, and success. Whether it is a creative endeavor or you are traveling, either way it’s what you can do to prepare and succeed. If you know someone who could benefit…

Living thoughts

Every single day, do at least one thing that scares you. If you want to write, then write. Get a piece of paper and put down … something. It can be “holy sh*t, I have no idea what to say. This sucks.” That’s ok. They’re words on a page, and they are a beginning. If…

Overcome! How To Succeed Even If You Had A Sh*tty Childhood

Overcoming abuse to succeed anyway! We can learn to persevere and thrive despite the special challenges created by surviving a childhood of abuse. This podcast episode begins the story. Tonight, I’m doing something frightening on my podcast. I’m debuting my latest, in-process book. Every Friday evening I will be reading a chapter of what I…