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Sending and Receiving – How We Move Through The World

Are you a sender or a receiver? How can you tell? Do you find yourself getting “feelings” or hunches about situations and people? If you do, you might be a natural receiver? If you get those vibes, those belly clenching moments, listen to them. They are trying to give you information. Armed with that knowledge,…

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Don't fall for the Short Change con

We are in the midst of misdirection at its finest. We are bombarded with media overload. Sound Bites careen towards us from every direction. From “Crooked Hillary,” to “Kelly Anne Con job,” we are being led down some or other path by those who want to sway our votes and our dollars. This can happen…

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Overheard – What I Learn Through Listening

I am passionately curious about people. I love learning what motivates them, what challenges them, and what inspires them. So, I listen. I listen in my coaching practice. I listen during my workshops and seminars, and I shamelessly listen to conversations around me when I am working at coffee shops or when I’m walking down…