Feel Like You’re Getting Nowhere? You’re Gathering the Sand

I spend a healthy chunk of my time feeling like I’m a little hamster in a wheel. I’m running, running, running, but I’m getting nowhere. I step off, and it feels like I’m in the exact same place. Oh, the frustration of those moments. “Crap!” I cry out. “Nothing has changed. I’m no closer to…

Walking the Labyrinth: Prayer, Contemplation, Meditation, and Inspiration

A friend just asked how to use the time while walking a labyrinth. I walk every labyrinth I come across. I love them for their ancient wisdom and the answers and insights they help me find. First, I would say there are as many answers as there are people. For myself, I walk labyrinths to…

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Moving Beyond Terror. First Step: Breathe

Anyone who has ever worked with me, in any teaching capacity, knows my first act when teaching is to get everyone to stop and breathe. Whether I am working with fourth graders or NASA scientists, I always say the following: “Before we start, I’m going to ask you all to stand on up …” and…

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Resistance Isn't Futile. It just wants you to think resisting it, is.

I’m reading Steven Pressfield’s excellent book, “The War of Art.” If you have any desire to pursue your art, run towards this book with open arms. So far, it’s amazing, validating, and oh so frustrating. Pressfield points out all the hidden places we run to keep ourselves from working on our art/craft. I’ve winced more…

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The Importance of a Target Audience – how I learned the lesson

Yesterday, I learned a lesson about the importance of working with the people who will best respond to your efforts. I have read a great deal about identifying your avatar and then producing and marketing to that avatar. The avatar can be defined as the ideal receiver of your product. It could be the ideal…