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We Are With You – On supportive creative communities

Yesterday, I facilitated my “Present Out Loud” workshop at Balticon (the Maryland Regional Science Fiction/Fantasy convention). The workshop is on how to present/read your work at bookstore events, interviews, audio narrations, and workshops. We worked on breath technique, voicing, characterization, and how to differentiate your narrator from your characters and their dialogue. But mostly, we…

Review: Andrew Lippa's "I Am Anne Hutchinson" and "I Am Harvey Milk."

Andrew Lippa’s “I Am Anne Hutchinson” and “I Am Harvey Milk.” Whew! How to describe the show this evening. I have all sorts of superlatives I can lavish on it. Amazing, Spectacular, Magnificent – those apply. The choruses outdid themselves. And both Chenoweth and Lippa brought their A-game vocally. Really, I am used to being…

Discover a new author, Kim Kash: Ocean City Lowdown

Ocean City Lowdown introduces Eastern Shore Maryland reporter Jamie August, who has a talent for unearthing more than her editor wants and a weakness for Ravens jerseys and sparkly underwear. Jamie’s tenacity, smarts, and sheer recklessness—plus some smokin’ striptease dance moves—can get her out of some tight spots, but are they enough to save her from…