Say, “Yes!”

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words. Actually, it’s only one power word. The word is, “yes.” Do you have an idea? Say yes to it. Do you want to try something? Say yes. Do you want to do something new, be someone new, try something new? Say yes. Throwing ourselves into the attempt is how…

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Work it!

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words. Yep. We can all get down on ourselves about how little we’ve accomplished. Or, worse, we can compare what we have accomplished to what everyone else seems to have accomplished. It’s especially hard when we decide to compare ourselves to people who are obviously farther along than we are….

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Have faith. 

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words from my morning free-write.  Today it’s about having faith. What you decide will happen often does if you are willing to be dogged in its pursuit. It’s when you waffle, hesitate, or second-guess yourself that you get in trouble.  Have faith but don’t be foolhardy. Your goal must have…