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Aladdin on Broadway – Review

I try to review at least one show, movie, or tv show a week on Review Mondays. Here is this week’s review of Aladdin on Broadway. Aladdin on Broadway, New York, NY  Overall, the production was tons of fun. It was lavish, outlandish, and a treat for the eyes and ears. The sets were lovely:…

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Productivity Tuesday: Maintain Good Habits By Making It Easy On Yourself

In today’s episode of Productivity Tuesday, let’s talk about habits. We all recognize that we have “good” and “bad” habits. I think many of us might agree that journaling is a good habit. Many of us might also agree that drinking until you puke every Friday and Saturday night is a bad habit (It might…

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Thoughts on July 4th

My family immigrated to the USA in the early 1970s. The first place we landed was New York City. I had never seen anything like it. It was enormous, vibrant, loud, spectacular. We moved to Michigan literally the day after we arrived and settled just outside Detroit. I acclimated pretty quickly and learned English within…

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Communication Thursday: Just Exactly How Do You Inhale? (part 2 of proper breathing)

In the previous post, we talked about proper posture when standing or sitting to communicate. To recap: stand with your feet hip-width apart (draw an imaginary line from your second toes, through the center of your ankles, the center of your knees and then up to the hip points [the parts that just out to…

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They all say to stop and breathe, but how exactly do we do it?

Oh my goodness there are a ton of posts on mindfulness, meditation, and anxiety reduction. Almost all of them have some form of, “stop, be still, and breathe to calm yourself.” It’s great advice. And it works. The trouble is, how do you stop, be still, and breathe when you might be scared, anxious, nervous,…

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Productivity Tuesday: On the count of 5

I stay busy. I work 10-14 hours almost every day. I have seven different businesses going at the same time. So, if I’m going to get anything done, I’d better be efficient and productive. I wish I could do it consistently, but like everyone, I go through periods where I just don’t want to get…

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Just what's so wrong with being centered on ourselves?

I just wrote this as part of a comment on someone else’s thread, but to me, it bears repeating. “There is nothing wrong with having a strong ego. The word ego has gotten a bad rap. It means knowing yourself. It means having a strong sense of identity.” I’m getting tired of the promulgation of…

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Relatively pain-free mobile-friendly website redirects instructions

I spent last night figuring out how to optimize my various websites for mobile devices. Per google’s new rules (http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/google-algorithm-change-mobile-friendly), priority is now given to websites that are mobile-device friendly. If you are tech savvy, here’s a website with the java script for redirecting your pages. (I send big thanks to the person who wrote…